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ROR Comedy Club Featured on Japanese TV as a Must See Attraction in Osaka

ROR Comedy Club Featured on Japanese TV as a Must See Attraction in Osaka

This week, ROR Comedy Club is making waves across Japan. A Japanese TV film crew toured the club, featuring it as an Osaka nightlife highlight in this clip.

They ranked the club in the 23rd spot for tourist attractions in the whole country, which given the number of attractions in Japan, is a pretty huge compliment. For the hottest comedy club in Osaka, this means more people visiting, adding to the diverse audience that makes ROR such a special place.

What’s the Word on ROR Comedy Club?

The TV show review features snippets of last week’s performances and gives a good representation of the club’s stage and setup. You’ll see footage of the club’s attractive brick wall background, it’s iconic octopus logo, and audience members enjoying the show. A slow pan through the stage sets features the club’s owner and performer, Edd Daggers, in the lineup, along with other club favorites including Tony Romani.

The Shows are in English, but the Audience is Multilingual

You might be wondering why an all-English speaking comedy club would be featured on Japanese TV and what it means for ROR Comedy Club. For local Japanese residents working to improve their English skills, attending an English comedy night is a fun way to learn quickly and meet English speakers. Comedy is full of context for audience members, making it an entertaining way to practice understanding English.

The Comedians Pull it Off

At ROR, guests quickly settle in and appreciate the host and acts. It’s lineup of comedians are full of lively energy, carrying the night by acting out experiences using hand gestures and sound effects to pull off their acts. The lineup of comedians at ROR is a diverse cast from around the world, offering different perspectives on the Japanese experience as a foreigner and giving revealing and hilarious anecdotes and platitudes on their home countries.

A Universal Appeal

During the TV review, as audience members are asked why they watch stand up, it’s clear the energy of the night is contagious. Guests glowed with obvious enthusiasm, big smiles on their faces, explaining their reasons for coming to see the show. Their expressions as well as their words highlight comedy’s universal appeal to relax us and help us forget our troubles. It’s an empowering reaction to the problems of the world from language and cross-cultural barriers to dealing with the ineptitude of US President Donald Trump.

A Growing Audience

While ROR primarily attracts tourists looking for a fun itinerary in Osaka, getting national attention here in Japan is a big deal. Broadening the audience to include more Japanese audience members along with English-speaking visitors to Japan including Americans, Canadians, and British visitors means a more diverse audience. Not only does the show become a place for laughs, it’s an environment for understanding through a cultural crossing point between guests.

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